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Health Risk Management Insure Wellness

The integrated HRM program provides monthly contact with employees assisting in health and lifestyle improvement.  Insure Wellness gathers concurrent data in real time with participants who utilize fitbits or smart watches.  

Health Risk Management programs are voluntary for employees and traditionally only 15% of a group population will enroll/participate.  The HCIactive platform captures a threshold of 75% or more. 

For employees to be eligible for a HRM claim reimbursement, participation is required.  The HRM claim reimbursement covers the cost of a voluntarily purchased GAP that covers 100% of deductibles and coinsurance providing a net zero cost for most employee paychecks. (For example; return to home page and click Triada logo)

A highly incentivized HRM program is the foundation for stabilizing premium over time. 

For small group, fully funded plans are now able to capture health risk management data. With knowledgable risk, employers  may wish  to consider a partially self funded health plan. This  further reduces cost with ability to generate some premium return if the year is over funded.  


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